Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Journal 7

I have had this poem for years. I always tried to make it longer, make it soften after the initial shock of it's beginning. But here I let it just be. How much more would you want to hear anyway?

The page itself was free association of images. I wanted it simple.I wanted it to be more emotional then what pictorial.

Everything is paper dyed and collaged onto a page of gesso.

Journal 6

Every women can relate to a fairy tale...at least thats what my friend Mamie told me when she was taking a class on the sociology of fairy tales. I thought about it...over bearing father...lots of sisters... the little mermaid of course.

I spent a lot of time on this page. The tail is collaged from individually dyed pieces of paper. I kept the original words in the book and stained the page before drawing over it with sharpie.

This experience is all about not erasing and letting what happens stay on the page stay. It drives me a little crazy but I think I'm better for the experience of going for an image without being able to correct after the fact.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Art Journal day 5

In this entry I colleagued crumpled paper after staining it with ink. I drew and colored in the icon with colored pencils and used fake gold leaf for the crown. I discovered a spelling mistake after I scanned the journal and used gesso to erase and then reprinted the word.

This post is about how we are failed in our life. Those failings can work out and the people we looked up to become closer to us, as they become human in our experience. However is we are failed completely or very young, or if the ones that have the power in our life refuse to step down, the pain can prevent us from being able to trust. Our "gods" have the sacred duty of being our world and then gently and humbly stepping down.